Thursday, June 6, 2013

Update on the Quest to Beat Fast Alex

The goal to beat Fast Alex wasn't met in Vancouver this year, and in fact I regressed a little, slipping back 3 minutes or so.  On the plus side, thanks to a wonky knee for Fast Alex, the gap between us was at an all time low, a mere 34 seconds per mile.  On the other side, Rich continued getting faster and closed the gap between us to 31 seconds, and Mike was at a similar amount behind him.  As can be clearly seen in the graph below, all of our times appear to be converging, which makes Edmonton 2013 ground zero for a mega race challenge, I guess?  Realistically, I'm not sure I can drop my pace to below 8:30 for Edmonton, and Alex's times are routinely in the 7's, so I think beating Fast Alex will likely have to wait until the Fall Classic or next year.  But I guess a miraculous finish is always possible?

Historical Pace Times

Historical Race Results

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