Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Blog Entry from Mike

Have been busy working on building up the base. Famous words remembered "You are a product of your training". So goal this time will be more dilligent with the training sessions. Hopefully, I will not be complaining and making excuses. Ironman is expensive and with the time commit I should enjoy or what the heck am I doing signing up.

The running has been going ok. Have been running about 3-4 times a week. Ran a half-marathon last week and did not slip on the rutty, icy plains of Highlands Edmonton.
Weights are also going well. A buddy Rod and I are facinated with the leg press machine. So hopefully this will lead to stronger legs that will help on the hills of Richters and Yellow Lakes.
Cycling on the computrainer is ok with some cool hill simulations. Hopefully the legs will be ready once the snow is gone.
Swimming has been the slowest to come around, but the next couple of weeks will provide some more opportunities to do some laps.

Will provide more workout updates once we get the official program rolling in a couple of weeks.
To leave the post, I will try and look at a positive characterisic that my wife has and adopt it into my arsenal. This is the ability to be dedicated and not miss a workout. It is one thing to have intentions ... it is another to commit to them and get it done. So Mark and I will keep grinding it out.

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