Thursday, February 4, 2010

2009 Recap/Race Reports Part 2 - Ironman Calgary 70.3

Ironman Calgary 70.3 - August 2nd 2009

Swim: 46:25
Bike: 3:18:19
Run (Partial Walk): 2:47:18
Total: 7:03:55

Race Report

Pre-Race: The race was held between Ghost Lake (for the swim - half way between Canmore and Calgary) and Glenmore Park (for the run - in Calgary) so we stayed in Canmore, which was about 45 minutes from the start line. Diane and KK were here to race too, and Lisa, Mike and the kids were here to watch, so it was a crowded condo. The day before the race was pretty busy, as we wanted to get an idea of the race course and also go for a practice swim in Ghost Lake (and drop off our bikes). However, we weren't allowed to drop off our bikes until we had registered at the Expo, which was in downtown Calgary, which made for a confusing amount of driving. First stop was Ghost Lake, to drop off Diane's car, then we drove the bike route into Calgary. The course map/elevation profile shows a drop in elevation, but it sure felt like it was all up, up, up, we were all shocked at how hilly it was (Edmonton is alas, quite flat in comparison) and KK was very intimidated. (Money Quote: This is much hillier and harder than Ironman Canada). Once we got to Cowtown we bungled our way through the city to the Expo and registered/bought a bunch of cool stuff (I bought a t-shirt for Cameron, the others bought muchias muchias). Then it was back for a drive to Ghost Lake to finally drop off our bikes and go for the practice swim, the water was pretty nice, chilly at first but warmed up quickly once you got going. Then it was back to Canmore to meet up with Lisa and the kids and go for pre-race dinner, that was??? I forget, alas...

Race Morning

This was a bit of a weird race start, with staggered starts by age group over an hour and a half (7:00 AM to 8:30 AM). Unfortunately, KK was in one of the first waves, and I was in the very last, so I had to sit and watch most waves. This was kind of unfortunate, but kind of good as it was fun to see everyone else start and I got to walk around to higher ground and see exactly where the swim course went, etc. Also, if you pass someone when you are last, you know you are really passing them and they aren't just in later starting wave. Not that I passed anyone, or anything. It was pretty awesome to get to see the pros leave the water (sprinting out) and hop on their bikes (shoes in pedals).


Drank a gatorade and took a gel and then entered into the water near the last of our wave. Another guy really wanted to be the last one in so I went ahead of him but stuck near the back to avoid any thrashing. Swim was pretty fun, not too much contact (wave start thank you) and the water was quite pleasant once I was going. The only painful part came at the end when we turned back towards the beach (course was a big loop) and ran straight into some massive white caps. I definitely lost a couple of minutes at this stage but everyone was going slower so it wasn't a big deal. Tried to run out of the water, but as always, it was more of a dizzy stumble....


Quick bathroom break and a quick change and I was out of there. I always take a fair amount of time in transition but this wasn't that bad.


Bike started off very well, there was a fierce wind at our backs and the highway was very smooth, the first 15 km or so flew by at 35 km/hr + with little effort. Then we turned north, the wind was no longer at our backs, maybe a little in our faces, the road was quite a bit poorer quality, and the hills started... I lost a fair bit of time here and Rippin' Richie rode by me and a bunch of other guys like we were standing still. I kept leap frogging one other fellow, every hill I would pass him on the uphill and on the down hill he would roar back past me. At 2 hours, I was pretty pumped as it looked like I would make 60 KM, an avg of 30 km/hr which was my goal, but alas, I got too excited about this and rode off the shoulder at the last possible minute, just missing my goal... By the end of the ride my back (kidney?) was hurting a touch but I was feeling alright, tried to pump up my speed as the odometer reach 90 KM, but unfortunately as 90 KM turned into 91, 92, 93, etc I realized the course had a little extra distance to it...


Went pretty well, these 1/2 Iron transitions are pretty quick without having to put new shorts on etc. Just pulled off my bike jersey, tossed on my hat and headed out, though I remember sitting gasping for breath for awhile too, possibly?


The run did not go great, I think I was pretty dehydrated, and just couldn't run at first. Seeing Lisa and the kids near the start was a huge motivational help! Walked for quite some time, and even running down hill didn't quite work as I got a huge cramp. Walked that out though and after some guy pointed at me and shouted "YOU! Aren't sweating, you are dehydrated, drink more!" I realized, hey maybe he is right? So I grabbed 2 gels and a whole bottle of gatorade from the next aide station and slowly walked, drank, and ate. This was pretty huge and helped me recover, I could finally run for short periods, though i was still choosing to walk a fair bit (almost at the half way point now). At the turn around period there was kind of a weird out and back triangle where there were aid stations clustered together, at each of them I grabbed a sponge and put it in my hat, squeezing completely over my head. After all this, I finally felt better and started running more. It was pretty barren on the course now, probably a side effect of the muchias walking early on and starting in the last wave. Unfortunately, as I ran I started getting massive cramps in my quads. I would run for a couple of minutes and then pull up with excruciating pain, then walk for a couple of minutes before repeating the process. Finally reached the end of the race and ran the last little bit, felt pretty good and was great with the family there. I was a little disappointed with my excessive walking, but felt pretty good about the race as I'd gained strength through out the half marathon and finished quite a bit stronger than I'd started. Also, lessons of hydration would prove very very useful for the IM Canada bike ride....

2009 Recap/Race Reports - Part 1 Van 1/2 Marathon

Here is a recap of 2009 races and results:

Vancouver 1/2 Marathon: 2:03:42

Early on I had had much more ambitious goals, but in the end some training short falls near the end meant I fell short but it was still a fun race. The weather was chilly in the morning, but fine by the end and running through Stanley Park is always nice.